Thursday, August 25, 2011

How Smart is Gary Paulsen?

In this book, the author is saved chapter after chapter. I mean, I didn't even know that you could have that many near death experiences. In some ways I think that the reason the Gary Paulsen even has dogs is so that he doesn't die. It might not even be that these dogs are geniuses, it's just that the things Paulsen does are so dumb that even dogs know better than that. Who walks on ice that may not hold his weight? Oh! Oh! Oh! Call on me! I know! I know! Gary Paulsen does. Who goes to grab a deadly snake because it looks pretty? I know! I know! Gary Paulsen does! Who almost shots a gun loaded with mud jammed in it so that it would explode in his face? Oh! I know! Gary Paulsen does! Who would run into a gang and almost be beaten to death? Oh yeah, that Gary Paulsen guy. Get the picture? Maybe the dogs are geniuses, maybe Paulsen is too adventurous for his own good. Now don't get me wrong, I really like this book but sometimes I wonder about why the author does these things. I know better.

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