Thursday, November 3, 2011


This is the sequel to Nightshade, which I read last week, and is part of my 'ohmigoodness vampires and werewolves are AMAZING!' experiment. I'm trying to figure out what is so alluring about them.

In the first book I just wanted to slap Calla (the main character), but in the second she seemed more reasonable but still making awful choices. Shay has decided to take Ren's place and be her mate and the pack's alpha male. Um, excuse me, but who died and made you alpha? Oh yeah, no one because Ren is still alive and the rightful alpha. Shay is constantly running to Calla's aid even though she doesn't need it. In an effort to protect her, he almost got her killed and someone else died in her place. How do you feel about yourself now Shay? I'm hoping really crappy because in the book you didn't seem too upset.

Calla is able to save some of her packmates that she had left behind in the previous book. Sadly Ren was not one. From the short scene you read where the two of them are together you can induce that he still deeply loves her and wants her safely home. I believe he would have safely made it back with Calla and her new friends the Searchers had their meeting not been interrupted by some Keepers and former packmates who decided to stay with the Keepers.

Don't think I' a Twilight hater, because I'm not. I read the books and enjoyed them-- they didn't change my life or anything but I still liked them. They certainly aren't my favorite but I don't understand the craze. I understand people liking the books and enjoying them but not why these are the best books ever and all the people constantly talking about them.

Honestly I don't understand why these books are so popular. Calla is even dumber than Bella (that says a lot). I feel like that one Jacob fan because I wish she would have chosen Ren. Pretty much everyone who reads the Twilight books adores Edward because on paper he seems like a perfect boyfriend-- stalker side included. The movie goers tend to lean toward Jacob because, well let's be honest, Taylor Lautner is much more attractive than Robert Pattison. I know it's hopeless to want Ren to win which just makes me even more frustrated with the books. The guy (Shay) who gets the main character to break countless rules and defy her parents is the one who wins over the intended soul mate who has not broken any rules and has loved the main character since he was young. That's awesome, ya know, just what I wanted.

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