Thursday, October 27, 2011


To continue with my werewolf/vampire book experiment, I read Nightshade. It seems to me that all teenage girl books need insanely dumb teenage girls to make them popular. Perhaps this device is used to make the readers feel smart. In this book, the main character, Calla (what a pretty name), is the alpha of her pack, the Nightshades. The 'Keepers' (the masters of the werewolf pack) want to create a third pack to protect a sacred site, Haldis. The alpha in the other pack, the Banes, is to mate with Calla. Renier (Ren) is the alpha of the Bane pack and is extremely good looking, not a bad choice right?

Calla was with her second in command, Bryn, patrolling the sacred sight when a bear was attacking a human. For some reason Calla felt like she had to protect this human and she saved him, breaking a rule set in effect by the Keepers. He was bleeding out and could have died from blood loss but she healed him which was the rule she broke. In order to heal him, he drank her blood. Pack blood can heal every injury which was what saved Shay, the human (weird blood thingy-- more like vampire-ish than werewolf-y if you ask me).

Calla thinks that it won't be a big deal, I mean it's not like she's ever going to see him again right? Wrong. He was at school the next, the new transfer student. Basically she falls for Shay even though Ren is cuter and who she's supposed to be with (she admits it all the time being all he was made for me). With Shay, Calla discovers that her life has pretty much been a lie-- one that all the werewolves were living.

Anyways, Calla runs off with Shay to help the 'Searchers,' the Keepers sworn enemies, the ones she's killed and fought before. Now she's on their side fighting for her pack and her freedom.

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