Monday, September 12, 2011

9/11 Tribute

Yesterday was the 10th anniversary of 9/11 and this is kinda my tribute. I will be posting videos that you may not want to see so censor as you like.

This video is of the two plane crashes.

This next video is a clip from a 9/11 special that showed calls loved ones made from the towers to say good-bye.

This video is just a patriot song I thought I would include, it's country so if you don't like that kind of music you probably won't like it.

I remember exactly what I was doing that morning I saw the video. I was in the first grade and was sitting in the living room with the TV on waiting for my mom. She had the news on and I asked her why the building was on fire. She dropped everything she was doing and just stared at the TV in puzzlement. We saw the second plane crash into it and that's when she frantically started calling my aunt. My aunt lives in New York and she seems to be all over the city. I went to school that day thinking that my aunt had died. We didn't hear from her for a couple days afterward. It turns out she was on the subway and they stopped above ground and she watched the second plane fly into the building.

Some crazy facts are that only 40% of the bodies were found afterwards; that means that over half the bodies were never recovered. Only 20 of our states are making children learn about what happened on 9/11 in history classes. That just makes my blood boil. We should never forget, we should forgive but we can't forget all the heroes that died that day. It is an important day in our history.

This poem was written by a little boy who lost his dad on 9/11

SPECIAL GARDEN (A Child cry to his Daddy)

In my garden, I will plant some of Daddy's things

The hat he wears for his favorite baseball team.
His special notes he wrote to me.
His favorite songs he likes to sing.
His special collect cars he bought last spring.

His favorite tie that has grease stains.
His favorite fishing pole, even though he has never caught anything.

And I'm going to plant some of my tears, these come from me.
Every night before I go to sleep, I will go out to my special garden
and pray over Daddy's things.

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