Thursday, September 1, 2011

Fighting Bears? Psht, No Problem

Quincy was mentioned in the last post; for those of you that didn't read it should. I mean who doesn't want to read about a dog jumping through a drive through window? Anyways, you should remember that this is a tiny dog. Most people would think that bears would frighten such a little thing but no. This is quite a change to the regular dog saves Gary Paulsen's life because this time the dog saves Paulsen's wife! Wow, craziness I know!

Quincy loved the Paulsen but absolutely adored his wife. They were the best of pals and inseparable. The Paulsens gardened every year which gave them a nice food supply and added to their little income. Bears seemed to love eating all the food so Paulsen would just shoot a gun nearish them to scare them away. There was a particular bear that seemed too friendly for its own good. One day Mrs. Paulsen was working in the garden with Quincy beside her and the bear started to charge at them. She went through all the proper procedures but nothing was stopping the bear. "Quincy launched himself from the ground, four-inch legs pumping, and caught the bear in the center of its chest."

"The bear started scraping with its front paws and my wife chose that moment to use all the good luck from the rest of her life. She rushed in, grabbed Quincy, pulled him off the bear and ran for the house." She pulled him from the bear? She is crazy! Looks like she was mad for Quincy. Mrs. Paulsen made it safe to the house and Quincy was unharmed. Psht, fighting bears, what a piece of cake. The bear had tried to bite Quincy but he was too close and small to bite. Hmm, maybe little dogs can have the advantage.

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