Thursday, September 29, 2011

Bring the Children Home

This book has reminded me of the mission trip I took a few years ago to an orphanage in Mexico. The experience marked me for life and I know that is exactly where I will end up. I am meant to work at that orphanage, no matter how dangerous Mexico is. These are my friends and family that came along :)

This orphanage has yet to be finished but once it is there will be over 350 beautiful Mexican orphans living there. I hate not being there. I just want to go back and help again. There was a day we called Mercy Day and we went and handed out food to families and children. It was hard for me to understand seeing as how I'd only been taking Spanish for a couple months before I went but here are some stories I got to hear.

There was a little boy who was about 6, I'm not sure about his name but he had just lost his mom. His dad had died long ago and now it was just this little boy looking after himself. Many people think, well why doesn't another family just take him in? These families are barely supporting themselves, if they're even doing that, they can't afford to take on another one. I heard so many stories about children whose parents died because they starved themselves to death so that the children could eat.

This orphanage will give these children and loving home where they will be safe and cared for. I will probably make more post sharing various stories I hear later.

These are two orphanage workers  that I became very close with and still keep in contact with. On the left is Leo and the middle is Eddy.

My friend TJ bought a bracelet from this little girl who gave him the biggest hug and cried and just loved on him like no other. He was her personal savior, she would eat tonight. She had hope.

This little girl was so hungry that she immediately began eating a raw potato that we had given her. The kids all began eating their goods as soon as they could but knowing that it would have to last them until who knows when. It shattered my heart into a million pieces seeing them so hungry.

I can't wait to go back. I need to go back. I want to bring the children home.

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