Thursday, October 20, 2011


Thankfully I was able to read a second book this week, Crusade by Nancy Holder and Debbie Viguie


 Personally I'm not a fan of vampire books and this new craze with them and of course werewolves, but I know that many people are. To gather a better opinion of these types of books I picked up a vampire/werewolf book from the library. The only real vampire kinda books I've read have been the Twilight series which was pretty good but I wouldn't say that it changed my life or that I could read it multiple times and not get sick of it.

This book takes a darker view on the vampires. The vampires cannot go out into the sun because will die (much more exciting than 'I can't be in the sun or I'll start sparkling') Solomon, the spokesperson for the 'vampire nation' spread lies that vampires can survive off animal blood, wrong, they can't. Another difference in this is that people can't be changed by being bitten, they have to drink the blood of a vampire. This vampire is their sire and they are forever faithful to their sire until their sire dies.

Remember all those legends about vampires not being able to be in the sun, not being able to look at crosses or touch holy water or garlic? Well, in this book they're all true. The vampires are portrayed as the 'Cursed Ones' and should be feared unlike the friendly Cullen family. There are hunters who are trained to kill the vampires but they're losing, terribly. The book follows the first ever hunter group. There are Hunters who are trained and then given an elixir that will make them almost as strong and fast as vampires and then there are hunters who have no potion but are still trained to fight. There is a group of six hunters that the book follows, one Hunter with five hunters killing vampires and saving people-- mostly at least.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for your opinion on this new age of ohmygodvampires literature... I said the same thing in an earlier post and I'm glad to know I'm not the only one out there who's absolutely sick of it. lol (:
