Friday, October 14, 2011

Wrap Up of My Week

Last you heard, I was sick of reading The Help. Thankfully I went to the library to find another book. I found Deadly Little Secret. I actually finished it that night. It's about a girl who falls in love with this new boy at her school who supposedly killed his old girlfriend two years ago. This book is suspenseful and exciting because she has a stalker who leaves pictures of her in her mailbox and breaks into her house. The new kid, Ben, keeps telling her to trust him but everyone else says to stay away from her, that Ben's the one stalking her.

Ben can sense things, the future or past, when he touches something recently touched by a human or a human. The first time Ben touched Camelia (the main character), he could see that she would end up dead without him. It turns out that her ex-boyfriend was the one who stalked her. She loves art and works at the Knead, a pottery shop. This is where Matt, her ex, finds her and kidnaps her. He lures her out by telling her that Ben crashed into him and Matt wants Camelia to talk some sense into him.He ends up taking her to an abandoned trailer park, drugs her and ties her up. I don't want to give the whole story away so that's the ending you get, what will happen to her?

Don't worry, there's a second book, so how bad can it be? I also finished the second book which I will blog about later. :)

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