Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Falling Behind

I am sad to say that even though I am well ahead on my reading I have been ignoring my blog since last Friday. I have read two books since then and have yet to blog about them. I should probably start with the book  I read last week but didn't blog about.

Deadly Little Lies by Laurie Faria Stolarz

This is the sequel to Deadly Little Secret that I blogged about last week. In the first book we met Ben and Canmelia who were meant to be together (as all the readers know but for conflict Ben doesn't). In this second book, Ben didn't come back to school for three months and when he is at school he refuses to talk to Camelia, frustrating for all by the way. Camelia longs for Ben but decides to try and let go by dating a really 'hot' guy recently hired at her work, Adam. Their dates seem to be going really well and they are enjoying themselves... except, he's not Ben.

Throughout their dating Camelia is receiving death threats and scary stalker notes just like she did in the last book before she almost died at the hand of her ex-boyfriend, Matt. This scares, obviously, but not enough to tell her parents or the police.She doesn't want to trouble her parents with the notes because her parents are going through a rough time and she doesn't want to go to the police because she doesn't think it is serious enough. The other problem is... should she tell Adam or is he the one sending them?

Ben finds out about Adam and decides to confront him in front of Camelia. It turns out Adam used to be Ben's best friend until Adam started an affair with Julie, Ben's old girlfriend. Adam loved Julie and blames Ben for her accidental death even though it wasn't Ben's fault and began dating Camelia to get back at Ben. What he didn't expect to happen was that he would actually fall for her.

Well in the end, the stalker notes were from this creepy weirdo girl at her school who hated Ben. She framed it to seem as if Ben was the one trying to kill her and left her all those notes and such. Well, she failed. Shocker, that wouldn't make a good ending especially since there is a third book.

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